README.txt 11 KB

  1. Minetest Game mod: default
  2. ==========================
  3. See license.txt for license information.
  4. Authors of source code
  5. ----------------------
  6. Originally by celeron55, Perttu Ahola <> (LGPLv2.1+)
  7. Various Minetest developers and contributors (LGPLv2.1+)
  8. The torch code was derived by sofar from the 'torches' mod by
  9. BlockMen (LGPLv2.1+)
  10. Authors of media (textures, sounds, models and schematics)
  11. ----------------------------------------------------------
  12. Everything not listed in here:
  13. celeron55, Perttu Ahola <> (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  14. Textures
  15. --------
  16. Cisoun's texture pack (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  17. default_jungletree.png
  18. default_lava.png
  19. default_leaves.png
  20. default_sapling.png
  21. default_bush_sapling.png
  22. default_stone.png
  23. default_tree.png
  24. default_tree_top.png
  25. default_water.png
  26. RealBadAngel's animated water (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  27. default_water_source_animated.png
  28. default_water_flowing_animated.png
  29. VanessaE (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  30. default_torch_animated.png
  31. default_torch_on_ceiling_animated.png
  32. default_torch_on_floor_animated.png
  33. default_torch_on_floor.png
  34. default_desert_sand.png
  35. default_desert_stone.png
  36. default_sand.png
  37. default_mese_crystal.png
  38. default_mese_crystal_fragment.png
  39. Calinou (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  40. default_brick.png
  41. default_papyrus.png
  42. default_mineral_copper.png
  43. PilzAdam (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  44. default_jungleleaves.png
  45. default_junglesapling.png
  46. default_obsidian_glass.png
  47. default_obsidian_shard.png
  48. default_mineral_gold.png
  49. jojoa1997 (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  50. default_obsidian.png
  51. InfinityProject (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  52. default_mineral_diamond.png
  53. Splizard (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  54. default_pine_sapling.png
  55. default_pine_needles.png
  56. Zeg9 (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  57. default_coal_block.png
  58. paramat (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  59. wieldhand.png -- Copied from character.png by Jordach (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  60. default_pinetree.png
  61. default_pinetree_top.png
  62. default_pinewood.png
  63. default_acacia_leaves.png
  64. default_acacia_leaves_simple.png
  65. default_acacia_sapling.png
  66. default_acacia_bush_sapling.png
  67. default_pine_bush_sapling.png
  68. default_acacia_tree.png
  69. default_acacia_tree_top.png
  70. default_acacia_wood.png
  71. default_acacia_bush_stem.png
  72. default_bush_stem.png
  73. default_pine_bush_stem.png
  74. default_junglewood.png
  75. default_jungletree_top.png
  76. default_sandstone_brick.png
  77. default_obsidian_brick.png
  78. default_stone_brick.png
  79. default_desert_stone_brick.png
  80. default_sandstone_block.png
  81. default_obsidian_block.png
  82. default_stone_block.png
  83. default_desert_stone_block.png
  84. default_river_water.png
  85. default_river_water_source_animated.png
  86. default_river_water_flowing_animated.png
  87. default_dry_grass.png
  88. default_dry_grass_side.png
  89. default_dry_grass_*.png
  90. default_grass_side.png -- Derived from a texture by TumeniNodes (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
  91. default_mese_block.png
  92. default_silver_sand.png
  93. default_mese_post_light_side.png
  94. default_mese_post_light_side_dark.png
  95. default_mese_post_light_top.png
  96. default_silver_sandstone.png -- Derived from a texture by GreenXenith (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
  97. default_silver_sandstone_brick.png -- Derived from a texture by GreenXenith (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
  98. default_silver_sandstone_block.png -- Derived from a texture by GreenXenith (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
  99. default_bookshelf_slot.png -- Derived from a texture by Gambit (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
  100. default_marram_grass_*.png -- Derived from textures by TumeniNodes (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
  101. default_emergent_jungle_sapling.png
  102. default_permafrost.png -- Derived from a texture by Neuromancer (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  103. default_stones.png -- Derived from a texture by sofar (CC0 1.0)
  104. default_stones_side.png -- Derived from a texture by sofar (CC0 1.0)
  105. default_moss.png
  106. default_moss_side.png
  107. default_fence_rail_acacia_wood
  108. default_fence_rail_aspen_wood -- Derived from a texture by sofar (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  109. default_fence_rail_junglewood
  110. default_fence_rail_pine_wood
  111. default_fence_rail_wood -- Derived from a texture by BlockMen (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  112. gui_hotbar.png
  113. gui_hotbar_selected.png
  114. TumeniNodes (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  115. default_desert_cobble.png -- Derived from a texture by brunob.santos (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  116. default_coniferous_litter.png
  117. default_coniferous_litter_side.png
  118. default_grass.png
  119. default_dry_dirt.png
  120. BlockMen (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  121. default_aspen_leaves.png -- Derived from Sofar's texture
  122. default_wood.png
  123. default_clay_brick.png
  124. default_iron_ingot.png
  125. default_gold_ingot.png
  126. default_tool_steelsword.png
  127. default_diamond.png
  128. default_tool_*.png
  129. default_lava_source_animated.png
  130. default_lava_flowing_animated.png
  131. default_stick.png
  132. default_chest_front.png
  133. default_chest_lock.png
  134. default_chest_side.png
  135. default_chest_top.png
  136. default_mineral_mese.png
  137. default_meselamp.png
  138. gui_formbg.png
  139. gui_furnace_arrow_bg.png
  140. gui_furnace_arrow_fg.png
  141. gui_hb_bg.png
  142. sofar (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  143. default_aspen_sapling
  144. default_aspen_tree
  145. default_aspen_tree_top, derived from default_pine_tree_top (by paramat)
  146. default_aspen_wood, derived from default_pine_wood (by paramat)
  147. default_chest_inside
  148. sofar (CC0 1.0):
  149. default_gravel.png -- Derived from Gambit's PixelBOX texture pack light gravel
  150. Neuromancer (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  151. default_cobble.png, based on texture by Brane praefect
  152. default_mossycobble.png, based on texture by Brane praefect
  153. default_furnace_*.png
  154. Gambit (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  155. default_bronze_ingot.png
  156. default_copper_ingot.png
  157. default_copper_lump.png
  158. default_iron_lump.png
  159. default_gold_lump.png
  160. default_clay_lump.png
  161. default_coal.png
  162. default_grass_*.png
  163. default_paper.png
  164. default_diamond_block.png
  165. default_ladder_steel.png
  166. default_sign_wall_wood.png
  167. default_flint.png
  168. default_snow.png
  169. default_snow_side.png
  170. default_snowball.png
  171. default_key.png
  172. default_key_skeleton.png
  173. default_book.png
  174. asl97 (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  175. default_ice.png
  176. Pithydon (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  177. default_coral_brown.png
  178. default_coral_orange.png
  179. default_coral_skeleton.png
  180. Ferk (CC0 1.0):
  181. default_item_smoke.png
  182. npx (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  183. default_rainforest_litter.png
  184. default_rainforest_litter_side.png
  185. kaeza (CC-BY-SA 3.0):
  186. default_desert_sandstone.png
  187. default_desert_sandstone_brick.png
  188. default_desert_sandstone_block.png
  189. kilbith (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  190. default_steel_block.png
  191. default_copper_block.png
  192. default_bronze_block.png
  193. default_gold_block.png
  194. default_tin_block.png
  195. default_mineral_tin.png
  196. default_tin_ingot.png
  197. default_tin_lump.png
  198. tobyplowy (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  199. default_kelp.png
  200. CloudyProton (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  201. default_book_written.png, based on default_book.png by Gambit
  202. Mossmanikin (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  203. default_fern_*.png
  204. random-geek (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  205. default_blueberries.png
  206. default_blueberry_overlay.png
  207. default_blueberry_bush_leaves.png, derived from default_bush_leaves (by paramat)
  208. default_blueberry_bush_sapling.png
  209. default_dirt.png -- Derived from a texture by Neuromancer (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  210. Krock (CC0 1.0):
  211. default_glass.png
  212. default_glass_detail.png
  213. Topywo (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  214. default_coral_cyan.png
  215. default_coral_green.png
  216. default_coral_pink.png
  217. Extex101 (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  218. default_large_cactus_seedling.png
  219. default_dry_shrub.png -- Derived from the original texture by celeron55
  220. An0n3m0us (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  221. heart.png -- Derived from a texture by KevDoy (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  222. bubble.png -- Derived from a texture by BlockMen (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  223. Sounds
  224. ------
  225. Glass breaking sounds (CC BY 3.0):
  226. 1:
  227. 2:
  228. 3:
  229. Mito551 (sounds) (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  230. default_dig_crumbly.*.ogg
  231. default_dig_dig_immediate.ogg
  232. default_dig_oddly_breakable_by_hand.ogg
  233. default_dug_node.*.ogg
  234. default_grass_footstep.1.ogg
  235. default_grass_footstep.2.ogg
  236. default_grass_footstep.3.ogg
  237. default_gravel_footstep.*.ogg
  238. default_place_node.*.ogg
  239. default_place_node_hard.*.ogg
  240. default_glass_footstep.ogg
  241. default_wood_footstep.1.ogg
  242. default_wood_footstep.2.ogg
  243. default_dirt_footstep.1.ogg
  244. default_dirt_footstep.2.ogg
  245. default_glass_footstep.ogg
  246. Metal sounds:
  247. default_dig_metal.ogg - yadronoff - CC-BY-3.0
  248. -
  249. default_dug_metal.*.ogg - Iwan Gabovitch - qubodup - CC0
  250. -
  251. default_metal_footstep.*.ogg - (CC0 1.0) - CC0 1.0
  252. -
  253. default_place_node_metal.*.ogg - Ogrebane - CC0
  254. -
  255. Tool breaking sounds added by sofar: CC-BY-3.0
  256. default_tool_breaks.* -
  257. AGFX (CC BY 3.0):
  259. default_water_footstep.1.ogg
  260. default_water_footstep.2.ogg
  261. default_water_footstep.3.ogg
  262. (default_water_footstep.4.ogg is silent)
  263. blukotek (CC0 1.0):
  265. default_dig_snappy.ogg
  266. Chests sounds added by sofar, derived of several files mixed together:
  267. default_chest_open.ogg
  268. default_chest_close.ogg
  269. - CC0
  270. - CC-BY-3.0
  271. - CC-BY-3.0
  272. - CC-BY-3.0
  273. - CC0
  274. Ryding (CC0 1.0):
  276. default_snow_footstep.*.ogg
  277. Ferk (CC0 1.0):
  278. default_item_smoke.ogg, based on a sound by
  279. sonictechtonic (CC BY 3.0):
  281. player_damage.ogg
  282. Sheyvan (CC0 1.0):
  284. default_dig_choppy.*.ogg
  285. lolamadeus (CC0 1.0):
  287. default_gravel_dig.*.ogg
  288. default_gravel_dug.*.ogg
  289. Benboncan (CC BY 3.0):
  291. default_dig_cracky.*.ogg
  292. Erdie (CC BY 3.0):
  294. default_hard_footstep.*.ogg
  295. worthahep88 (CC0 1.0):
  297. default_sand_footstep.*.ogg
  298. dheming (CC BY 3.0):
  300. default_ice_dig.*.ogg
  301. InspectorJ (CC BY 3.0):
  303. default_ice_footstep.*.ogg
  304. Angel_Perez_Grandi (CC BY 3.0):
  306. default_ice_dug.ogg
  307. iankath (CC0 1.0)
  309. default_furnace_active.ogg
  310. Models
  311. ------
  312. sofar (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  313. chest_open.obj
  314. torch_ceiling.obj
  315. torch_floor.obj
  316. torch_wall.obj
  317. Schematics
  318. ----------
  319. paramat (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  320. acacia_bush.mts
  321. acacia_tree.mts
  322. acacia_tree_from_sapling.mts
  323. apple_tree.mts
  324. apple_tree_from_sapling.mts
  325. aspen_tree.mts
  326. aspen_tree_from_sapling.mts
  327. bush.mts
  328. emergent_jungle_tree.mts
  329. emergent_jungle_tree_from_sapling.mts
  330. jungle_tree.mts
  331. jungle_tree_from_sapling.mts
  332. large_cactus.mts
  333. papyrus.mts
  334. pine_tree.mts
  335. pine_tree_from_sapling.mts
  336. snowy_pine_tree_from_sapling.mts
  337. small_pine_tree.mts
  338. small_pine_tree_from_sapling.mts
  339. snowy_small_pine_tree_from_sapling.mts
  340. Shara RedCat (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  341. acacia_log.mts
  342. apple_log.mts
  343. aspen_log.mts
  344. jungle_log.mts
  345. pine_log.mts
  346. TumeniNodes (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  347. pine_bush.mts
  348. random-geek (CC BY-SA 3.0):
  349. blueberry_bush.mts