package.yaml 891 B

  1. name: shakespeare-sass
  2. version: '0.1.4'
  3. synopsis: SASS support for Shakespeare and Yesod
  4. description: SASS support for Shakespeare and Yesod
  5. category: Web
  6. author: Filip Brcic, fr33domlover
  7. maintainer:
  8. license: BSD3
  9. github: brcha/shakespeare-sass
  10. extra-source-files:
  11. -
  12. default-extensions:
  13. - TemplateHaskell
  14. - QuasiQuotes
  15. - RecordWildCards
  16. - CPP
  17. - TupleSections
  18. - OverloadedStrings
  19. dependencies:
  20. - base >=4 && <5
  21. - template-haskell
  22. - yesod >=1.4.1 && <1.5.0
  23. - yesod-core >=1.4.6 && <1.5.0
  24. - shakespeare >=2.0.13 && <2.1
  25. - hsass >= 0.5.0 && <0.6.0
  26. - parsec >= 2 && < 4
  27. - bytestring
  28. - utf8-string
  29. - base16-bytestring
  30. - cryptonite
  31. - filepath
  32. - directory
  33. - transformers
  34. library:
  35. source-dirs: src
  36. exposed-modules:
  37. - Text.Shakespeare.Sass
  38. tests:
  39. spec:
  40. main: spec.hs
  41. source-dirs:
  42. - test
  43. - src
  44. dependencies:
  45. - hspec == 2.*
  46. - text