wolf.md 2.0 KB

~:furthering the concept:~

cryingwolfeffectalert (a special alert post to inform a user that due to their overstating post importance, their global average importance has incremented down, and explaining how they can choose to fight this, by crying wolf even more, to get more attention to their posts, thus further incurring more wrath of markdowns, and eventually, their average will fall bellow, or, really, they can choose the only remedy, n that to respect the system, and only post with due importance, and reiterate the suggested reference for how important something is to help them better gauge so not to incurr the loss of importance, as well as reminding them that there's no need to try to boost importance as that undermines what the system is about, and undermines that value to them, to be able to get a message out that is important when it truly is important. hence, the story of the boy who cried wolf. we need you out there, looking out for the flock, we need to be able to be informed of when there's a wolf, for the sake of our flock /and/ you, so dont cry wolf is there is no wolf, or when there is, no one will hear you, no one will come running, and the wolf will take its fill of you and the precious flock. we all suffer. n so this system helps encourage that to not be the case, but also incrementally, n not so instantly iredeemably.

conceivably, someone could reach -11. such that none of their posts, not even those they dare mark 10 for importance would show up in a default importance feed. for the most part, they would be lost to the noise, only a chance to be seen by those who seek to trawl through -1 n below. such users, are marked with a wolf, to designate they and their flock of important posts have been eaten by the wolf because of their over portance.

see also


this is the same idea, integrated to portance. wolfcry itself is applicable further afeild than just the specific portance implementation.

alas, both are still all very much at vaporware stage of development though.